
October 1, 2012, 2:17 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Like is an important word
And although it is much abused
And greatly over-misused,
It would seem
That we simply cannot do without it.
Like has so many meanings
That it may appear to mean nothing–
Though that would be like saying
That because love is as slippery a word as a fish
It is therefore only whitewash
And vainly wishful thinking–
Just a dream of lifeboats, and vests,
And the strong, dry shore
On a ship that is slowly, inevitably, sinking.

Like is an important word,
Though not by itself;
Like only comes alive in times of company,
Or when comforting the bodiless anguish
Of bloodless, abstract things–
Like water gives voice
To the song the river sings.
It gives wings to words,
Like birds give life to the loud, lofty sky;
Like light gives shape to the clouds floating by.

Like is an important word,
For it is the bread we daily eat;
It is the couch on which we rest
–After a hard day–
Our aching, weary feet.
Like is in all the words we speak–
However weak and feeble they may sometimes be–
Without which we would see a world
Cold and colorless and still,
Like a prisoner in chains
Who has finally lost his will.

Like is an important word,
For it is absurd to think
That we can step the to the brink of our world
And gaze upon it directly–
Grasp truth in our hands
And squeeze it through our fingers
Like mud made from water and from dark sand,
Or draw the universe into our lungs
Like the smell of laundry
Hung, strung from the strong arms
Of pine-scented trees.
We need like like the air we breathe,
Like death deserves to be well-grieved.
We need it more
Than we need our feeble eyes;
For without the help of like
All human sight
Must slowly fade to blind.

July 23, 2012, 6:26 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

These rolling green mountains hold
That still haunt these old hills,
Doomed to live the past eternally.
And these familiar winding, wooded roads through which I steer
Are filled with phantoms,
Indelible beings that desperately cling–
Like an unconscious fear of some yet unknown thing–
And only grow poignant with the passing of years.
I am moved by these
Memories–these ghosts–
Though to where, or to what,
I cannot well say;
It is not a sadness, nor even regret,
That brims up inside like a cold, sunless day–
But pity.
And the faint intimation
That time cannot heal the wounds of what was
Or smooth all the old scars of the past all away.

July 23, 2012, 5:49 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

I clung like an ant to the tip of the world,
Breathless and dizzy; gasping and reeling–
The spinning sky over me carelessly staring–
The vertigo pulling up falling of feeling.
And my voice cried out through the crookedly canyons,
Carried faintly but far on the wings of the wind:
“I would we embrace, but I cannot now reach you–
For the ways are all bent, and I cannot get in.”
But an echo returned from the vastness, the chasm,
Whispered in tongues of the broken-in-heart:
“Not always so, my love; not always so–
When time is un-broken–O!–the distance shall part.”

April 20, 2012, 3:29 pm
Filed under: other poems

I see my shadow stretching out
Behind me every night

As I walk beside the glow
Of the lonely lamp-post light.

Sometimes I see it in the day
When the sun is shining bright,

Lurking in some common corner
Safely out of sight.

I cannot shake this shape from me,
However try I might;

My shadow loves the looming dark
And flees the lurid light.

January 4, 2012, 11:43 pm
Filed under: other poems

In my living room there is a fan with three lights
And a small piece of porcelain hangs from a chain in the middle,
Swaying slightly, glossy blue and white.
I poke it with my finger, and under it we stand–
My son in my arms, head tilted back,
Eagerly reaching with delicate hands.
He cannot yet speak,
But he makes this particular noise when he sees
That dangling beauty, always so just out of reach;
He points and he smiles, with a hoarse sort of groaning,
A joyful wheezing mixed with parts mourning.
Tonight, I carried him into the backyard with me
And under the sky we stood,
And I could tell from his wide-eyed solemnity
That he knew somehow that the evening was good–
The cold, the stars, the hard, crunching ground,
The long stretching silence of the woods all around.
Since we had not speech
We softly moaned together there,
Howling hoarsely at the faraway stars
That only just eluded our desperate reach.
He will not remember (though I cannot forget)
Those few brief moments that we shared
Casting grasping silhouettes.

October 2nd
October 25, 2011, 11:07 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

It was only yesterday
That you lay screaming in that strange bed,
Sweat speckled above your lip like salty dew,
Stray strands of brown hair pasted to your pale forehead,
Begging me for help
Though I had none to give you.
For five hours the sun was eclipsed
And my sky turned a darker, blacker shade of blue.

Today, I drove with the windows down
and a bright blue sky arching overhead
To buy you a chocolate milkshake
(you were at home, feeding him in our bed).

whose thoughts are these?
September 19, 2011, 3:32 am
Filed under: other poems

When I retire at night to put the pen to page
And push its leaking point deliberately,
I later find the markings that my hand has made
And recognize them, as a newly found forgotten memory,
Or a newborn baby, birthed prematurely.
And I wonder: whose thoughts are these?

I know myself far better than I know,
I understand much more than I really care to see;
For hidden in my scrawling notes
Are secret messages addressed to me
Though I don’t recognize the addressee–
And I wonder: whose thoughts are these?

So take my hand, and guide me through these lines,
Push and pull the pen in different ways;
And let the one who reads them somehow find
A loveliness in the way another person says.

August 27, 2011, 4:40 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

When I was young
And smelled the first faint glow of fall
On the sultry, summer air,
It would fill me withal with a sadness and sorrow
That was almost just too great to bear.
Tonight, when that old, familiar tang of Autumn reached my heart
Some wild, sylvan excitement began to beat inside:
The coming of the cold like the coming of the long-expected bride.

Just one thing honestly
July 25, 2011, 4:49 am
Filed under: other poems

To whom should I address this vague confession?
This evasive collection of sincere excuses
And half-hearted apologies?
I have brought with me a lifetime of reasons to the bar,
A lifetime of reasonings and reckonings, bruises and soft beckonings from afar,
To attempt to explain away what I have done
And all that I have left undone in me.
Yet eventually all my feeble answers fall, riddled, to the floor,
And the more that I speak the more clearly I see
That I cannot undo what was already done
So many sometimes before.
Before I go,
I would like to say just one thing honestly:

I am sorry for having lived my life so thanklessly.

lama sabachthani
June 28, 2011, 10:19 pm
Filed under: other poems

Its taken me quite some time to understand
The outrageousness of the doctrine:
Fully God and fully man.

But I suppose some mystery is to be expected
With one who claimed to be God ‘come man
To be by both rejected.

The anguish of the dying God’s humanity
Bled through his tormented final cry:
My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

I could not love God with all my heart
Did he not understand and know
My saddest and most lonely parts.